Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Remembering Martin Luther... I have a dream!

I have been thinking about those goals that I wrote down last time and how I am doing. As usual, I am not doing it perfectly. Sound familiar? It seems that I have this problem, if I can't do it perfectly... I am ready to quit. Well, not this time! This year I am going to keep on doing the best I can and hopefully I will reach those dream goals that I have.

Today we think of Martin Luther and his famous quote "I have a dream". Each of us have a dream if we were honest enough to say so. Our dream can be just to get through this week abstinent, or maybe just to not do something this week that we have done as a habit. For instance, I have a bad habit of saying "SHIT" without thinking about it. The last few months I have been trying to just to make it through the day without saying it. I now find that it is almost never happening. Thanks HP!! How about you? Do you have a habit that needs changed? Let's work on it today and make it our dream. We can do this together. With HP's help, we cannot fail!

Have an awesome week! Cindy

1 comment:

IbuNdashare said...

hope we'll can make our dreams come true...it's nice to share with you