Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Step 2 "Could Restore Us to Sanity"

As we evaluate our Higher Power's authority over our life, we must see the possibility of change within our life. For me, I could look into the Bible and see how God had changed the lives of those who had turned their lives over to Him. He restored families, healed lives, made things thought impossible... possible, and so much more! All this told me He could do this very same thing for me IF... I LET HIM! I don't want to say much more on that for now, because to do so would go into Step 3.

So, take a moment and breathe. In step 1, you said that your life was unmanageable. You realized that you can't fix it or even control it. In step 2, you are aware that there is Someone or Something out there in this universe that is willing to help you, if you would just ask. You have or may not have a relationship with this Power. However, you are willing to take a leap of faith and begin to trust and confide in that Power.

Are you willing? Do you have a Higher Power? If not, would you like to know mine? I am sure He will love you just as much as He loves me. We are all His children. He loves us whether we believe in Him or not. He feels our hurts and shares in our joys.

May you find your Higher Power today!

Now... on to Step 3!!

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